
Trading Story: The Best trading advice from top traders 交易故事:25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”

「投資界交易經典」電子書-中英文版 連載 …   (編譯:Smith Pan)

Trading Story: The Best trading advice from top traders 交易故事:25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”

Introduction 簡介

The best traders know how to do it. 最出色的交易員知道如何做到”最佳的交易”。

They know because they have a solid foundation – through an apprenticeship, degrees, or some other education . They know because their theories have been tested in real-world markets . And they demonstrate their knowledge watching their trading accounts mature to near-unimaginable dimensions . 身為世上最頂尖的交易員之一,其實他們每個人都知道一件事,因為他們是過來人,全都有一個堅實的基礎 :就是通過一個學徒,學位,或其他一些教育的艱難過程走過來。因為他們的理論已經通過在真實市場交易所進行的嚴酷測試。他們展示自己的獨特的交易見解及高超的交易技能,從觀看他們的交易賬戶的績效成就,近乎到了難以想像的境界,可見一斑。

And the best traders are regular people. 而最好的交易員們,都是實實在在的普通人。

Despite their tremendous trading feats, none of them started out with that success . Through vision, training, determination, and a little luck along the way, they all traveled the path of trading triumphs . Some came from humble beginnings like George Soros . He grew up in Hungary during World War 2 – barely escaping the Nazi dragnet . Others came from more reputable families, like Warren Buffett, the only son of a US Congressman . Whatever the case, these top traders became the best in spite of their upbringing . 儘管他們曾有偉大的交易壯舉,但沒有人從一開始的交易生涯就平步青雲的。他們都通過自我學習,交易培訓,加上決心毅力和一點點運氣,才在各種投資商品交易市場上,走遍交易的勝利之路。一些來自卑微家庭像喬治•索羅斯。他從小在匈牙利經歷二戰期間(於第二次世界大戰 - 幾乎沒有逃脫納粹的天羅地網),從艱苦的環境捱過來。另一些人來自信譽度高的上流家庭,像沃倫•巴菲特,美國國會議員的獨生子。儘管他們的成長來自良好教養的家庭,無論是哪種情況排名,這些頂級交易員都能成為交易界中最好最優秀的Trader,也成為我們後進新手學習的榜樣,這確是不爭的事實。

But the best traders are NOT always right. 但是,最優秀的交易者的投資決策並不總是正確無誤的。

They don’t have to be . You’ll see their admitted ignorance about the next market move . But because of the way they handle account, it doesn’t matter . Over time, they employed proven methods in the market and navigated to healthy profits . 他們不必須如此承認自己的眼光不足與投資失誤。你會看到在未來的市場波動預測上,的確,他們承認自己無知,但並不影響他們繼續交易的初衷。因為他們處理帳戶交易頭寸的積極態度,果斷地在市場上即時採用並修正有效的投資組合,這些方案會隨著時間的推移,導航交易績效達到可觀的投資報酬。

Finally, the best traders tend to be more aware of life. 總之,優秀的交易者往往更懂得生活意義。

They understand their weaknesses and address them . They see opportunities and act on them . They appreciate that life is more than trading . Most are involved in philanthropy . Their advice may not always relate directly to trading, but their guidance can still help a well- rounded trader . 他們瞭解自己的弱點,並加以克服。他們看到了機會,並採取行動。他們是明白 一件事,就是生命意義的深度將超越一時的交易輸贏。這些頂級交易高手大多數都參與到慈善事業 中。他們的領袖意見可能並不總是直接關係到交易,但他們的心得指導與忠告,還能幫助擁有沉穩圓融性格-良好素質的交易者,走向勝利之路。

We hope their market-tested wisdom proves helpful on your journey to consistent trading returns . 本書宗旨希望這些頂級交易大師們經過多年無數市場檢驗的智慧,透過本書忠告引領下,能夠驗證並幫助讀者-你在市場上未來交易旅程,得到保持一致性的交易佳績回報。 All the best! 所有最優秀的!

to be continued ...待續...

-Brandon Clay  TRADING STORY  布蘭登•克萊    「交易故事」

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:Smith Pan )