
25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”:第19位 Paul Rotter保羅·羅特

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編譯:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan

25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告19 Paul Rotter保羅·羅特


As a trader you should have no opinion. The more opinion you have, the harder it gets to get out of a losing position. 作為一個交易者,你應該沒有主觀看法。如果你有更多的個人成見,就越難在一個失敗部位的陰霾走出去。

-       PAUL ROTTER保羅·羅特

Paul Rotter is something of a legend among scalp traders with a penchant for the German government bond market. At the height of his scalping career he would sometimes trade as many as 1 million contracts a day with a more normal turnover of a still very significant 100,000-200,000 daily contracts. 保羅·羅特對德國政府債券市場情有獨鍾是一個傳奇的剝頭皮交易者。在他的剝皮交易職業生涯最高峰,他有時仍會交易顯著大量約10-20萬元間的日合約量,比日常營業額1佰萬元合約量還要多。

I constantly try to read the psychology of the market and base my decisions on it . 我不斷嘗試閱讀市場的心理並建立我的交易決策基礎。

When some sudden unexpected event occurs, it could blow out a lot of traders even though their risk models were working just fine for a long period . 當一些意想不到的突發事件發生時,讓許多交易者因行情震蘯離塲,即使他們的風險模型曾運行良好了很長一段時間。

Before the open I check all the economic reports that are about to be released, speeches of central bankers – simply anything that can move the market . Then I try to define important levels in the markets I trade . 市塲開盤之前,我檢查所有即將被發佈的經濟報告,例如央行行長演講 - 可撼動市場的單純事件等。然後,我嘗試去界定它們在交易市場裡的權重水平。

I think the best place for traders right now is Singapore – it is growing rapidly and has a great lifestyle, very safe, with the best schools and world- class infrastructure . 我認為交易商最好的地方,就是現在的新加坡 - 它正在迅速增長,有一個很棒的生活方式,非常安全,擁有最好的學校和世界級的基礎設施。

Generally, I like markets with high liquidity . 一般來說,我喜歡和較高的流動性的金融市場。

In my opinion, a single player cannot influence the market around the clock . 在我看來,一齣獨角戲無法影響全天候的市場。

to be continued ...待續...
(下回连载25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告20Marty Schwartz馬蒂·施瓦茨)

REFERENCES :  mahifx, investoquotia.com, forex-surabaya.blogspot.com,
seputarforex.com, voss-photography.com
EditEd by brandon Clay布蘭登·克萊

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan)

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