
25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”:第16位 John Paulson約翰·保爾森


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編譯:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan

25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告16 John Paulson約翰·保爾森


No one strategy is correct all the time. 沒有一個交易策略可以正確適用在所有的時間週期。

-       JOHN PAULSON約翰·保爾森

John Alfred Paulson (born December 14, 1955) is an American hedge fund manager and billionaire who heads Paulson & Co., a New York-based investment management firm he founded in 1994. He has been called “one of the most prominent names in high finance” and a man who made one of the biggest fortunes in Wall Street history”. 約翰·保爾森阿爾弗雷德(生於19551214日)曾領銜負責保爾森公司,亦是美國對沖基金的經理人兼億萬富翁;他於1994年成立一個總部位於紐約的投資管理公司,他被稱為“尖端金融最突出的人物之一”與“在華爾街歷史上最大財富的人物之一”。

I had to swallow my pride, buckle down the hatches, and just be patient . 我必須收回我的驕傲心理,隨時有封艙以防暴風雨般的準備,並耐心等待交易時機到來。

Fear-driven periods in the past have been used as buying opportunities for savvy investors .精明的投資者利用以前市塲曾被恐懼驅使的時期,進塲作為買入機會的時點。

Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy to outperform over the long term . 許多投資者做出高買低賣的錯誤投資,反而與長線戰略脫穎勝出的正確投資正好相反。

Our goal is not to outperform all the time – that’s not possible . We want to outperform over time . 我們的目標不是在所有時間週期的投資表現都能超前優越- 這是不可能的。我們的目標是要隨著時間的推移而超越獲勝。

Investors that do the best, and have done the best, are those that stay and compound at above-average rates over the long term . 投資者認為做的最好的,並已做了最好的,是那些持有高於平均成本水平的長期投資組合。

Chairman Waxman, the problem in the U .S .  financial system is one of solvency . In general, financial institutions are undercapitalised and have insufficient tangible common equity to support  their overleveraged and deteriorating balance sheets . 韋克斯曼主席,認為美國的問題在於金融體系的財政償付能力。通常來說,金融機構資本不足,加上有形普通股權益不足,難以支撐金融體系過度槓桿化和日益惡化的資產負債表。

I realized that if I wanted to get into the top leagues, it would have to be by performance . 我已明白一件事,如果我想進入頂級聯賽,那就必須通過性能表現這一關。

I got a piggy bank and the goal was to fill it up…投資如同一個小豬儲蓄筒,我的目標是努力去填滿它......

to be continued ...待續...
(下回连载25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告17Linda Raschke琳達· 瑞斯奇

REFERENCES :  quoteswise.com, wikipedia.org, paulsonco.com, dealbreaker.com
EditEd by brandon Clay布蘭登·克萊

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan)

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