
25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”:第20位 Marty Schwartz馬蒂·施瓦茨


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編譯:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan

25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告20 Marty Schwartz馬蒂·施瓦茨


I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again, because it cannot be overemphasized: the most important change in my trading career occurred when I learned to divorce my ego from the trade. 我以前說過,我要去再說一遍,因為它不能過分強調:當我學會缷下自尊從交易中抽身離塲,這是發生在我的交易生涯中最重要的變化。

-       MARTY SCHWARTZ馬蒂·施瓦茨

Martin S. Schwartz (Buzzy) (born 1945) is a Wall Street trader who made his fortune successfully trading stocks, futures and options. He received national attention when he won the U.S. Investing Championship in 1984. He is the author of Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader. 馬丁·施瓦茨.(巴齊)(1945年出生)是華爾街交易員從事買賣股票、期貨及期權而成功致富。他獲得了全國的關注,他曾贏得了1984年度美國投資冠軍賽,他是鬥牛的作者:「華爾街的日內交易冠軍教程」乙書。

I have stated before that whenever your worst fears are not realized about a trade and the market is letting you out better than you expected, it is not just luck . Rather your position is most likely correct and should not only be held but perhaps added to. 我以前指出,每當你最擔心的是沒有明瞭有關交易本身以及市場讓你出塲的點位比你預期的要好得多,它不只是運氣。即使你的頭寸部位是最有可能正確的的話,不僅要持倉,但也許應增倉才對。

I always laugh at people who say “I’ve never met a rich technician” I love that! Its such an arrogant, nonsensical response .  I used fundamentals for 9 years and got rich as a technician . 我總是嘲笑人們說:“我從來沒有見過一個富有的技師”我喜歡這樣!它是這樣一個傲慢及荒謬的回應。這是因為我研究基本面技術已9年了,我是個致富的技師。

I’m more concerned about controlling the downside .  Learn to take the losses . The most important thing about making money is not to let your losses get out of hand . 我更關心的是熊市行情的管控能力。要學會接受損失。為了贏利,最重要的是不要讓你的損失擴大而失控。

I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again, because it cannot be overemphasized: the most important change in my trading career occurred when I learned to divorce
my ego from the trade . Trading is a psychological game . Most people think that they’re playing against the market, but the market doesn’t care . You’re really playing against yourself . You have to stop trying to will things to happen in order to prove that you’re right .  Listen only to what the market is telling you now .  Forget what you thought it was telling you five minutes ago . The sole objective of trading is not to prove you’re right, but to hear the cash register ring . 我以前說過,我要去再說一遍,因為它不能過分強調:當我學會缷下自尊從交易中抽身離塲,這是發生在我的交易生涯中最重要的變化。交易是一種心理遊戲。大多數人認為他們正在對抗市場,但市場並不關心。你真的對抗你自己。你必須停止試圖預測事情將發生,僅是為了證明你是對的。只聆聽市場現在告訴你是些什麼。要忘記五分鐘前市塲告訴你的是些什麼。交易的唯一目的是不是為了證明你是對的,而是獲得贏利的金錢。

The market does not know if you are long or short and could not care less . You are the only one emotional involved with your position . The market is just reacting to supply and demand and if you are cheering it one way, there is always somebody else cheering it just has hard that it will go the other way . 如果你是作多還作空,市場並不知道,它一點也不在乎。你是涉及您的交易部位唯一情緒化的人。市場只是反應供求關係,如果你的部位建立在一個有利方向而歡呼;總有其他人的部位是與市塲相反的不利方向而難以歡欣。

to be continued ...待續...
(下回连载25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告 21 Ed Seykota埃德·賽克達)

REFERENCES :  tischendorf.com, trading-naked.com, decodingwallstreet.blogspot.com,
wikipedia.org, timesunion.com, stockjocknroll.com
EditEd by brandon Clay布蘭登·克萊

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan)